christmas shopping

confession: i have always waited until the last minute to do my christmas shopping. like christmas eve day.

this is what i dreadfully conquered year after year:

christmas crowds

this year is different. H A L L E J U A H !!!!! i am almost done (short only 4 gifts) and it’s only december 2! shopping stress avoided. that’s not what i want christmas to be about.. stress. i want it to be more focused on christ and his coming. and let’s be honest, that requires time. time that i won’t be spending shopping!

here are some christmas shopping tips that worked for me this year to change my bad habits:

  • i started thinking and brainstorming for “christmas gifts” in october // some may say that’s too early, but to find a bargain you have to look. to look you need time. to have time you need to start early. 
  • i created a google doc of christmas gift lists for my family + andrew // call me “crazy,” but i call me “organized” and i didn’t forget my good ideas when it was time to start shoppin’
  • every time i got a gift — i wrapped it almost as soon as i got home // no dreaded wrapping party for me
  • online shopping saved me // i accidentally got amazon prime, but it was a gift in disguise. free shipping on any and all items. amazon has been a big supplier of my christmas gifts.
  • i started budgeting money in september for the holidays // big ole shout out to dave brooks

speaking of online shopping, here are some of my favorite knick-knack sites:


Mark + Graham

Uncommon Goods



HAPPY SHOPPING, Y’ALL // christmas is happening